Just Get Laid


A quick one here to answer a question asked by one of my loyal readers.

Herman reached out to me in the comments of one of my most popular posts. He expressed that he’s recently lost a lot of weight, and improved his financial status.

He asked my advice on changing his relationships with women, as he’s previously been the one asking for a relationship, and catching feelings first.

Ah yes, the plight of the “High Value Man”: paying for everything to get “occasional” mediocre sex.

Ah yes, the plight of the “High Value Man”: paying for everything to get “occasional” mediocre sex.

I am happy to help.

I started this blog to help men like me become their best selves.

I live to help other men reach their highest potential.

So Herman asked me what he should look for in women going forward.

At the moment, the Manosphere is all ablaze with talk of “High Value Man” this and “High Value Man” that.

I’ve already written about how the “High Value Man” label is just a rebranding of being a simp, and a beta, by women who are desperate for a man to bail them out for their bad decisions. Read “The High Value Man Is A Simp”.

The post I wrote about it, is one of my most popular I’ve ever written. It has received thousands of views since I posted it, currently ranked #1 in Google search results for the term “high value man”.

Slim Pickings

Modern women are, for the most part, completely broke.

Despite making less money and possessing less wealth than men, women are voracious spenders. In the US, women make up 50.8% of the population, but do a whopping 80% of consumer spending.

They go to college to binge drink, get passed around by frat boys, and attain degrees that barely earn above minimum wage.

Art, social work, psychology: nothing on this list is a real career that could support an adult. Now you understand why they all need a “high value man”.

Art, social work, psychology: nothing on this list is a real career that could support an adult.
Now you understand why they all need a “high value man”.

Many of them are overweight, drowning in debt, living in poverty, and raising bastard children from lowlife men.

Among this cesspool of losers, you must find a few halfway decent specimens, to try to get your sexual needs met.

1. Find a few women that are SUPER into you.

Preferably more than one.

Luckily, getting women who are attracted to you is a compounding phenomenon.

Women can sense if other women want to fuck you, and they like it.

It’s called pre-selection. This is why women are so attracted to famous celebrities, and even regular married men.

The human female can smell other women on you, and it turns them on.

That’s right,

Women like a man MORE if she can tell you are already getting laid.

If you have other women, you will be indifferent and confident with new women. And women also LOVE disinterest.

They want to chase your validation and attention.

A woman gets bored if a man is too interested in her.

Unfortunately, if you show too much affection and interest in a woman, she will get turned off, and you will get friend-zoned.

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Never accept this.

If a woman you like, sees you as “just a friend”, tell you’re not looking for that and walk away.

Accepting the “friend zone” demonstrates a lack of respect for yourself.

If you have ever known a guy that had a lot of women, you have seen this in action.

Women know he has other girls, and they just want him more because of it.

So just get ONE woman who is really into you, and it will be easier to get the next one, and the next one, and the next one after that.

It’s like a snowball.

2. Lower your standards.

If you haven’t been getting laid at all, the best thing to do is just start getting laid somewhere, from ANY woman.

It doesn’t matter what she looks like, or how old she is.

Find a woman that is into you, and start fucking her.

If you do not look good, or lack practice seducing women, she will probably be older, overweight, or not as pretty as the Instagram models you lust over all day.

On that note, delete your Instagram until you accomplish this. Read my post “Delete Your Instagram”.

The reality is that the women you see on there don’t even look like that in real life. looking at fake-perfect women will dilute your appetite and appreciation for real human women, especially the lower value ones you will be able to attract if you are unskilled with women.

You will need to be able to be aroused by the type of woman you wouldn’t notice if you were watching porn all day.

If you’re really into porn, as most (all) men are, this will be challenging for you.

Ask yourself which you would rather have: watching other men fuck women, or YOU fucking a real woman, any woman.

3. Just Get Laid

You need the practice.

Practice will make you better, and you can move up to better (younger, wetter, tighter) women over time.

Porn will always be there, and you can always go back to it if you find that human women are too much work. Which they are, and you will be tempted.

In Conclusion

Once you get accustomed to something, it becomes easier, then second nature, then a chore.

Think about when you learned to drive a car. It was exciting to borrow the family car to go on joy rides.

At first, your hands where glued to 10-2, palms sweaty, you were on alert, in your head about the act of driving.

After a few months, you could drive without paying attention. Years later, you might hate driving. It just becomes another chore.

Seducing women is exactly the same.

It’s difficult at first, and requires a lot of effort.

After a while, it gets easier. Over time, it’s not even fun anymore.

That’s why you see men who became rich and famous in the PUA community, eventually burn out.

They take up religion, for example Roosh V and Victor Pride. They become family men, denouncing the player lifestyle completely, like Neil Strauss, author of The Game.

If you want to get to the point where you’re BORED with sleeping with women. Get the ball rolling by starting somewhere.

Just get laid.